Get a history of a patient with chest pain
Get a history of a patient with chest pain : An adult man complaining about his recent Chest Pain and the doctor is trying to take a history from him by asking some targeted questions. By the end of this
external pace maker
external pace maker: This video is talking about external pace maker.External pace maker is a temporary way to improve cardiac hemodynamics until the underlying problem resolves or a permanent pacing strategy is applied.It should not be confused with defibrillation.
Kussmauls sign
Kussmauls sign: This video is talking about Kussmauls sign.Kussmauls sign(the lack of an inspiratory decline in JVP) is present in patients with constrictive pericarditis, but does not distinguish constrictive pericarditis from severe tricuspid valve disease or right-sided HF.
Right Side ECG
Right Side ECG: This video is talking about Right side ECG.any patient with symptoms of an acute coronary syndrome and electrocardiographic evidence of inferior wall ischemia or infarction, as evidenced by abnormalities of the ST segment or T wave in
Posterior MI
Posterior MI: This video is talking about posterior MI.posterior MIs do not look like STEMIs. We usually see ST depression in anterior leads instead of ST elevation.relatively tall R waves may also appear in leads V1 to V3.
Posterior ECG
Posterior ECG: This video is talking about posterior ECG.we should get posterior ECG when we suspicious about posterior MI especially when patient have inferior MI or right MI.they are a couple of ways to get posterior ECG.
How to record an ECG
How to record an ECG: This video is talking about how to record an ECG.To record a good ECG,you should know the correct place of limb and chest electrode.they are six limb leads and six chest leads. The leads are
Heart sounds
Heart sounds: This video is talking about heart sounds and murmurs.S1 is arising form mitral and tricuspid valve closure and S2 is arising from aortic and pulmonary valve closure.cardiac murmurs are the direct result of blood flow turbulence.
Carotid Sinus Massage
Carotid Sinus Massage: This video is talking about how to massage carotid sinus . caroid sinus massage breaks the re-entry cycle leading to sinus rhythm. carotid sinus massage is generally safe and well tolerated, but potential complications include profound hypotension,bradycardia,TIA
Biphasic vs mono phasic shocks
Biphasic vs mono phasic shocks: This video is talking about difference between biphasic and mono phasic shocks.mono phasic monitors send electrical currents along one direction and typically require higher energy settings(360 j).In contrast, biphasic monitors are modern and send electrical
Cardiovascular Examination
This video is talking about general principles of cardiovascular examination. Cardiovascular examination is formed from 4 stages:1-inspection 2-palpation 3-auscultation 4-percussion.but you should exam other organs include: hands for cyanosis, clubbing, signs associated with endocarditis, pulses and blood pressures, JVP, face,
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